You've Changed Eric Clapton

Текст пісні...
Gee, you've changed
Since the day you told me your name
Yes, you've changed
Your kisses don't feel the same
How, you've changed
Our romance to a crazy game
First, you told me
How you loved me and I believed
Then you sold me
On the vow that you'd never leave
Now you scold me
Caring not how my heart grieves
Oh, how I've loved you
Since the day you told me your name
Yes, I loved you
Thinking you all the while felt the same
And I'll still love you
Even though I know you've changed
- Інформація...
- ВиконавецьEric Clapton
- НазваYou've Changed
- Рік:2024
- ЛіцензіяSurfdog Records
- Дані03:52 • 9.14 Mb • 320 kbps
- Прослухали16
- Додано08 жовтня 2024
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